County of Renfrew
January 4th, 2021
Feedback Needed on Seniors Housing Strategy
Pembroke: Renfrew County Council along with the City of Pembroke are pleased to advise the community that the draft report of the Seniors Housing Strategy is now available for feedback. In 2020 a consulting firm was engaged to assist in the development of a Seniors’ Housing Strategy for Renfrew County and area. Re/fact Consulting has conducted a comprehensive review of senior services across the county which will inform the creation of a “Seniors’ Housing Strategy” intended to assist the County of Renfrew in strategic decision making and policy development regarding seniors’ housing options. The review included examining services such as assisted living; supportive housing; Long-Term Care (LTC)/ Community Paramedic Partnership in the client’s home; and/or additional Long-Term Care Beds. The consulting team reached out to a wide range of community stakeholders as part of the study process and has sought their feedback on the draft strategy.
Warden Debbie Robinson says, “Now it’s time to seek feedback from our community and in particular, seniors themselves.” Background information and feedback can be provided via the County of Renfrew web site at County of Renfrew Community Services, Seniors Housing Strategy. It is expected that the draft report will be presented to the Health and Social Services Committees and County Council in February 2021.
Warden Debbie Robinson adds, “We look forward to working with local municipalities, housing providers, many community stakeholders and agencies to bring forward a strategy that will give insight into this important issue.”
For Media Inquiries please call:
Paul Moreau Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk, County of Renfrew 613 735-7288
Michael Barber Media Relations/Grants Coordinator, County of Renfrew 613-735-7288