Public Works

This department is responsible for the maintenance of 101 kms of paved and 99 kms of unpaved roads in the Township.

Director of Public Works
Ryan Frew
613-623-5756 ext. 227 

Public Works Supervisor
Kevin Murray
613-623-5756 ext. 236

Municipal Office
613-623-5756 or 1-800-957-4621 
All documents posted below are reproduced in PDF format for the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you have not already downloaded your free reader, go to to get yours.

Winter Hours - Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Summer Hours - Monday to Thursday May to October 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Restricted Vehicle Load Regulations

In accordance with the Highway Traffic Act and the Township of McNab/Braeside By-Law No. 2012-12 will be in effect from March 1 to May 31 (unless otherwise posted). Vehicle loads will be restricted to 5 Tonnes per axle on ALL Township roads. Signs will only be erected at intersections of major highways throughout the Township or where load restrictions are not enforced by adjoining road authorities.


(1)    No person shall park, or stand a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway or in a municipal parking lot between the hours of 12:00 Midnight to 7:00 A.M. from November 15th. in any year to April 15th. of the following year, both dates inclusive.

(2)    No person shall park or stand a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway at any time when the highway is specially marked with signs indicating snow removal or when such person has received verbal or written notice from a representative of the Town indicating the prohibition of parking. 

The Golf Club Hill at Sand Point is closed.  Access is now provided from County Road No. 1 (River Road) and Toner Road.

Road Standards & Speed Limits

Quick links to Bylaws, & Township Map

Other on-line services:

Weather -
MTO Road Conditions - Eastern Ontario 1-877-401-8777 and Ontario 1-800-268-4686

Entrance Applications and Culvert Installation

Residents wishing to create an entrance off a Township Road will require an entrance permit. Download the Township application form or County application form. The proposed location should be staked out prior to the Road Superintendent's visit. The Road Superintendent will determine if a culvert or gravel is necessary to complete the work. All work is done by the Public Works Department. After approval is given the application will be forwarded to the main office for payment.

9-1-1 Civic Addressing

Signs can be ordered by the Township office at a cost of $ 64.50 including installation by the Public Works Department.

Street Lights

The Township depends on information from the public to advise of streetlights not operating. Please call the Municipal Office, not Hydro One, about a streetlight being out and provide the street address and the pole number.

Weed Inspector

For information, please contact Bryton Weckworth, Area Weed Inspector, County of Renfrew (613) 732-4353 ext. 491. 

Ontario Lyme Disease Risk Area Map 2023

Ontario Lyme Disease Risk Area Map 2023