Final Property Tax Notices will be mailed to all Residential, Farm, Managed Forest, Pipeline, Multi-Residential, Commercial and Industrial property owners in July. The final tax levy will be split into the same two installments, due on August 31st 2024 and October 31st 2024.
Budget Meeting Schedule:
The Township mails two tax bills each year. The first tax bill is the interim tax bill with two instalments due at the end of March and the end of May. The Interim Tax Bill is calculated at 50% of the previous year's total Taxes Levied. The Final Tax Bill is calculated using the current market value assessment times the tax rates less the interim bill amount, and the balance is divided into two instalments due at the end of August and October.
A PENALTY OF 1¼% per month will be added to any outstanding amount on the 1st day of each month until paid. Failure to receive a Tax Bill does not relieve the Taxpayer from payment of Taxes or Penalty. If a property has changed ownership, please return the Tax Bill to the Township Office.