Bi-Centennial Committee

Click here to access the Bi-Centennial Committee Meeting Packages

Township of McNab/Braeside 

Terms of Reference: Bi-Centennial Committee 

Reporting Relationship  

The Bi-Centennial Committee is an ad hoc committee under the Public Recreation & Culture Committee 

(PR&CC). The PR&CC reports to Council. 


Members of the Bi-Centennial Committee shall be comprised of the following: 

  • Chair 
  • 2 members of council (one may act as chair) 
  • CAO 
  • Recreation Director 
  • 1 Recreation Staff 
  • Museum Curator 
  • Minimum of one (1) member of the community or people with a connection to resources that are considered beneficial to this event. 

Additional non-voting staff and consultants may be invited from time to time as required. 

Appointment to the Committee  

Members shall be appointed by council based on the Township’s procedural by-law. 

Frequency of Meetings  

The committee will meet in advance leading up to the Bi-Centennial anniversary date; June 25, 2025. The frequency will vary based on the pre-event period; one post-event meeting will follow. 

The Committee Chair with the assistance of the Recreation Director shall set the agenda prior to each meeting and circulate the agenda as per Township procedures. Draft meeting minutes of the preceding meeting shall be circulated to each Committee member for approval. Approved minutes will be included in a report to council. 


Quorum is obtained through the attendance of 50% plus one (1) voting members of the committee. 

Roles and Responsibilities  

The committee shall be led by the chair or designate. Meeting minutes will be recorded and distributed by the Recreation Director or designate. 

Function of Committee  

The function of the Bi-Centennial Committee is to support the planning and implementation of the 200th anniversary of the Township of McNab/Braeside. June 25, 2025, marks this anniversary. 

Interested in joining this Committee? Please apply here.