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Municipal Services

The Township of McNab/Braeside is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and efficient service delivery to residents and visitors alike.

Renfrew and Area O.P.P. Detachment Board

The Township of McNab/Braeside is under contract with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). The Renfrew & Area Police Services Board oversees operations of the Renfrew Detachment of the OPP to help maintain an adequate and efficient policing...

Commissioner of Oaths

The Township of McNab/Braeside has Commissioner of Oaths available (*by appointment) to commission documents such as affidavits, oaths and statutory declarations. The Township does not have a Notary Public and therefore cannot notarize...

Mayor's Message

I want to begin by thanking the residents and staff of McNab/Braeside for their patience and resilience over the past two years. It has been a challenging time and today marks a new beginning—one focused on stability, progress, and working...


The Township is dedicated to making its facilities and programs accessible to everyone.  Work continues on an on-going basis to remove any barriers that may prevent persons with disabilities from being able to gain full access to the Township and also to ensure that Council members, Township employees and volunteers are trained to provide services and assistance to persons with disabilities when required.


By-Law Enforcement By-law complaints include: Parking Issues Property Standards Animal Control Zoning Noise Do you wish to register a by-law complaint? If so, please contact the Township Office to fill out a complaint form....

Committees, Boards & Working Groups

Committees of Council extend the reach of Councillors and Township staff to the community. Interested and knowledgeable citizens contribute to the shaping of public policy. 

Standing Committees will meet regularly, usually monthly. Agendas will be published on the Township website and will be open to the public to attend. Where possible, committee meetings will be live streamed and subsequently available on the Township Youtube channel. Draft and approved minutes will be posted on the committee section of the Township website.

A standing committee will exist throughout the term of the Council. At any time, ad hoc committees can be formed by Council for a specific purpose and would dissolve when they have completed their work. 

In all cases, the purpose of a committee is to make recommendations to Township Council. Financial implications and required usage of Township assets should be noted for all recommendations. 

Click here to apply!


MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise stated). These meetings are all open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend. If you wish to address Council on a specific...

Documents and Forms

All documents and forms are reproduced in PDF format for the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you have not already downloaded your free reader, go to www.adobe.com to get yours. 5 year Public Works Road Rehabilitation Project Change of Address...


Pre-Authorized Tax Payment Plan Information Tax Information Collection of Taxes Fee list Audited Financial Statements Change of Address 2019 Energy Plan 2020 Energy Report Strategic Asset Management Policy Transportation Asset...

Fire Services

Emergency: 613-623-6000 or 911
Fire Chief Dave Hartwick: 613-623-5756 ext. 233

Mission statement

It is our mission to continually strive to provide prevention, education, and fire and life safety protection services to the residents and visitors of Township of McNab/Braeside. Through teamwork, dedication and training, the members of the McNab/Braeside Fire Service contribute professionally to the department’s success.

Flat Rapids Cemetery

Flat Rapids Cemetery is owned and operated by the Township of McNab/Braeside and located at 533 Mill Ridge Road. Anyone interested in purchasing a plot may contact the Township office at 613-623-5756 ext. 224 or 1-800-957-4621.  Flat...

Garbage and Recycling

All garbage and Blue boxes must be placed at the curb by 7:30 a.m. the day of collection. McNab/Braeside Township policy allows a maximum of two regular sized green garbage bags. Bag size is 26"x 32 ½" or an equivalent container of 67 litres each week.

Licences and Fees

All fees and Charges can be found in our Fees and Charges By-Law. Administration: Commissioner of Oaths: $5.00 (residents) $30.00 (non-residents) The Clerk’s Department can help you with documents that...


Tenders, Quotes and Job Postings are posted on the Township website on an as-needed basis and are also published in local newspapers.  Any resumes received by the Township when there are no job openings are placed on file and are not considered for future employment opportunities. 


The Township of McNab/Braeside’s Planning Advisory Committee is comprised of Council Members and meets during the Regular Council Meeting on the first and third Tuesday of each month.

Public Works

This department is responsible for the maintenance of 101 kms of paved and 99 kms of unpaved roads in the Township.

Director of Public Works, Ryan Frew:  613-623-5756 ext. 227
Public Works Supervisor, Kevin Murray:  613-623-5756 ext. 236
Municipal Office: 613-623-5756  ext. 236 or 1-800-957-4621 ext. 236 

Upcoming Meetings