Suicide Prevention Day - September 10

Suicide Prevention Day Proclamation:

WHEREAS approximately 4,500 people in Canada die by suicide every year, with suicide being the second leading cause of death among youth and young adults aged 15-34 years;

AND WHEREAS World Suicide Prevention Day is internationally recognized on September 10th to raise awareness about suicide prevention, reduce stigma, and encourage individuals to seek help;

AND WHEREAS by educating, reaching out, and providing support, we can help reduce the number of lives lost to suicide and offer hope and healing to those affected;

AND WHEREAS there are resources available which gives community members the knowledge and skills to identify those at risk of suicide and make life-saving interventions;

AND WHEREAS by recognizing Suicide Prevention Day, we affirm our commitment to building a thriving, healthy, and inclusive community where all residents feel safe, supported, and heard;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Corporation of the Township of McNab/Braeside do hereby proclaim September 10 as “Suicide Awareness Day” in the Township of McNab/Braeside;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT on this day we honour the memory of those who have lost their lives to suicide and extend our heartfelt condolences to their families, friends and share our commitment to prevent future tragedies.