Remembrance Day - November 11

Remembrance Day Proclamation:

WHEREAS Canadians have proudly served in times of war and peace to uphold the tenets of democracy in all parts of the world;

AND WHEREAS Remembrance Day is our opportunity to pay tribute to those who fought for peace and freedom in the world and to pledge that their battles of courage and sacrifice be remembered and carried in our hearts and the hearts of future generations. It is also a time to salute our dedicated peacekeepers serving around the world today and lend our support to their families;

AND WHEREAS on November 11th people of all ages, from different backgrounds and walks of life, gather at cenotaphs and memorials in our communities to honour and remember our brave men and women who gave their lives for peace and freedom;

AND WHEREAS on this day we proudly wear the poppy as a symbol of the poppies that grow at the final resting place of our many soldiers. We commit ourselves to lasting peace at home and around the world and resolve that the lessons of the past must never be forgotten;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Corporation of the Township of McNab/Braeside do hereby proclaim November 11th as Remembrance Day in the Township of McNab/Braeside.