National Indigenous Month Proclamation:
WHEREAS the Township of McNab/Braeside formally acknowledges that the land we live, work, and play on is the unceded, traditional territory of the Algonquin and Anishnabek Nation;
AND WHEREAS this territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties;
AND WHEREAS the Township of McNab/Braeside also acknowledges that this land is the Traditional Territory of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan;
AND WHEREAS we are grateful for the opportunity to meet here and we thank the Stewards of this land and all the generations of people who have taken care of this land - for thousands of years;
AND WHEREAS we recognize and deeply appreciate their historic connection to this place, and respect the traditional knowledge and healing developed over generations;
AND WHEREAS we also recognize the contributions of Métis, Inuit, and Indigenous Peoples of many backgrounds and from many treaty and non-treaty lands and territories who have shaped and strengthened this country;
AND WHEREAS by unanimous vote in the House of Commons in 2009, June was declared as National Indigenous History Month in Canada;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada designated June 21 as National Indigenous Peoples Day – the date was chosen because it corresponds to the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, and for generations many Indigenous Peoples’ groups have celebrated their culture and heritage at this time of year;
AND WHEREAS the contributions of Indigenous Peoples to McNab/Braeside’s past, present, and future are significant but often not well recognized and we commit to advancing Truth and Reconciliation in relationship with Indigenous peoples and communities;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Township of McNab/Braeside hereby proclaim June as “National Indigenous History Month” and June 21, 2024, as “National Indigenous Peoples Day” in the Township of McNab/Braeside and urge all residents to take this opportunity to honour Indigenous history and culture, and to recognize the profound ways that Indigenous peoples have shaped our Town’s rich culture and communities.